Catalogue of Books

Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi

Know YourselfKnow Yourself

A classic work, terse, essential, an encouragement to see oneself in an unlimited mirror. A new translation by Cecelia Twinch.
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Ken Jezelf

A translation into Dutch of Know Yourself

The Wisdom of the Prophets

Twelve chapters of Ibn ‘Arabi’s great Fusus al-Hikam, first translated from Arabic to French by Titus Burckhardt. His translation was intended as an introduction, and it is still an excellent starting point, with footnotes which reflect deep knowledge of spiritual traditions.
More about The Wisdom of the Prophets

Sufis of Andalusia

Vivid pen pictures of, and memorable stories about people he met, recounted by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi. A part of the the Ruh al-Quds by Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, translated with introduction and notes by Ralph Austin.
More about Sufis of Andalusia

Kernel of the Kernel coverThe Kernel of the Kernel

“For the one who is ready to look into the depth of his or her own being, to the kernel of the kernel which is his essence, this book is invaluable.” Ismail Hakki Bursevi’s commentary on passages from Ibn Arabi’s Futuhat al-Makkiyya to produce a unique résumé of the journey of human becoming. Translated into English by Bulent Rauf.

The Twenty-Nine Pages

The is an overview of many strands in Ibn ‘Arabi’s writings, which by the same token engages many fundamental issues which can lie buried until we question our view of the world and self. It was originally compiled as a basis for group discussion (not as a source of right answers). Extracts from The Mystical Philosophy of Muhid Din Ibnul Arabi by A.E. Affifi. More about The Twenty-Nine Pages

Mystical Astrology According to Ibn ‘Arabi

Titus Burckhardt’s distillation of some the ways in which Ibn ‘Arabi relates astrology to metaphysical principles. Keith Critchlow said, “For the serious investigator, who is determined to get to the roots of traditional principle, this small book is a gold-mine.” More about Mystical Astrology According to Ibn ‘Arabi

Bulent Rauf


These twelve papers mostly started off as reminders to students at the Beshara School, a help to some particular difficulty in their facing truth. This gives them an enduring immediacy and usefulness. They were selected and put in order by Bulent Rauf.
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Addresses II

This anthology was put together by others after the death of Bulent Rauf. The book includes translations, commentaries on the work of Ibn ‘Arabi, essays on history and cookery, and a fragment of autobiography, reflecting a huge breadth of interest.  More about Addresses II

‘Abd al-Karim al-Jili

Universal Man

Extracts from al-Jili’s most famous work, translated with commentary by Titus Burckhardt. His teaching follows that of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, of which it can be regarded as a systematic exposition, though expressed in a manner which is uniquely his own. He says, “I will mention of all that only that which happened to me on my own journey to God.” This is far from being merely a theoretical matter. More about Universal Man

J.G. Bennett

Intimations, J.G. BennettIntimations

Talks given by J.G. Bennett at Beshara, Swyre Farm, at the time when he directed the Sherborne Academy in Gloucestershire, just a few miles walk away. A storehouse of practical and lasting wisdom to those on any spiritual path. More about Intimations

Dom Sylvester Houédard

Commentaries on Meister Eckhart Sermons

This gives the text of six of Meister Eckhart’s greatest sermons, with a transcript of the commentary Dom Sylvester gave in a series of meetings at the Beshara Centre at Frilford. His comments have spontaneity and lightness, and open onto the depths of Meister Eckhart. More about Commentaries on Meister Eckhart Sermons

The Kiss

The Beshara talks of Dom Sylvester. George Pattison says: “I’ve really enjoyed reading these – (they) should be read by anyone who wants to learn what fundamental metaphysical thinking is really about.”  More about The Kiss

Shane Jagger

My Heart is too big for my Pacemaker

This collection of poems is especially inspired by the mystical poetry of Ibn ‘Arabi and Jalal al-Din Rumi.


Diane Cilento


Set in Anatolia, this film by Diane Cilento traces a thread of meaning connecting the people who lived in the earliest known city, ǀatal Hüyük, and some who lived thousands of years later, including the Virgin Mary, and Jelaluddin Rumi. Narrated by Diane Cilento and Bulent Rauf. More about Turning

Aaron Cass

A Garden Amidst Flames

Recordings of 31 passages from works by Ibn ‘Arabi and two followers in modern English, in voices of our time, no less amazing for that. Produced by Aaron Cass and David Norland. Beshara Publications / Vastearth words and music. More about A Garden Amidst Flames

Green Bird

The second CD by Vastearth Orchestra. Readings, songs and instrumental music based on and inspired by Ibn ‘Arabi, Rumi, Niffari and Jili. More about Green Bird

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